鄧贊禹 . 副會長,心連大地攝影會|心連大地攝影會
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鄧贊禹 . 副會長

鄧贊禹 . 副會長

Danny Tang


「靜中慣識形神影,妙處誰知色味香」- 這兩句詩詞最能表現攝影的功能和意趣。透 過相機和鏡頭,的確可以察看平時肉眼所能見到的光影神韻,使人回味無窮。正所 謂,一機一鏡,已能盡窺天下美人美態;半GB記憶卡,亦可盡錄人間悲喜世情。

我從中學時期開始已對攝影產生興趣,三十多年來樂此不疲,或旅遊紀實、或拍 攝友人,在自我陶醉捕捉瞬間和留住瞬間的同時,更樂於以影會友,互相切磋,互相 勉勵。近年更希望能藉著攝影做一點回饋社會的工作,以期給攝影興趣增添一點意義。


隨着科技不斷進步,在現今世界,真實與虛擬已變得模糊不清了。所謂鏡花水月,你 曾否見過婀娜多姿、如花美豔、令人一見怦然心動的絕色佳麗,卸下服之後的樣貌? 又或者原來她是個男兒之軀?你又曾否見過如千軍萬馬般之新疆放牧和隊伍莊 嚴之西藏「曬大佛」場面,照片是否如真實一樣?

藝術的價值在於「真、善、美」,與其以堆砌去營造完美的影像,不如從自然中去尋 求。老子的<道德經>第八章有云:「尚善若水」。水的瀲灔、水的流動、水的倒影 都是很好的攝影題材。這輯各地水影的作品,不知能否將你從現實的模糊中,從幻象 帶回想像中去?

Danny Tang A.R.P.S

Vice Chairman

In tranquility one can discern the shape, the spirit and the image of a being. Can one also discern its colour, taste and smell?” (translation) This verse can truely express the function and pleasure of photography. Indeed, through the lens of the camera, it is possible to see the light and spirit of many things which we cannot normally see, but which are very attractive. Therefore, with a camera and a lens, one can capture the beauty of the world; with a memory card of just half GB, one can record different emotions of human beings.

My enthusiasm for photography began when I was in secondary school, and has grown during the last thirty years or so. Whether I go travelling or attend different events, I enjoy taking pictures of landscapes, people, friends and family. Not only do I take pleasure in seizing and freezing beautiful moments, but I also like to meet other photographers and exchange ideas with them. In recent years I have been thinking about helping those in need by means of photography, in the hope of making this hobby more meaningful.

<About the photographs>

Nowadays with the advance in technology, the boundary between the real world and the virtual world has become blurred. What you see now is just like “a flower in the mirror and the moon in the water” which cannot be captured. Have you ever encountered a lady with breathtaking beauty? Have you seen how different she looked after her heavy make-up was removed and her glamorous dress was replaced by plain clothes? Did this beautiful lady happen to be a man in disguise? Have you ever seen the dazzling scenes of cattle herding in Xinjiang and the gigantic Buddha picture display in Xizang? Have you ever seen photographs depicting these scenes? Are the real scenes as great as the ones in photographs?

The value in art is its “truth, goodness and beauty”. In order to get a perfect image, rather than using all kinds of touch-up techniques, I choose to go for an image in its natural state. A quote in the 8th chapter of Laozi’s Daode Jing reads, “Water is the truest and kindest of all things.” Indeed, the overflow, the mobility of water and the reflection in it are good themes for photography. Can this series of photographs depicting water reflections in many different places bring you back to imagination from illusion, in this delusive reality?

上一篇:陳俊濠 . 會長
下一篇:脫曾立 . 秘書