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黃觀益 . 司庫

George Wong


年少時,於工展會買了一部港產相機,價廉物美,從此對攝影產生濃厚興趣。 1984年,我有幸追隨麥柱發老師研習攝影藝術,數年間得到麥老師悉心指導,獲益良 多。同時亦認識了很多志同道合的同學和影友,經常結伴旅行攝影,遊遍國內外名山 大川,樂趣無窮。

今次承蒙好友陳俊濠會長邀請,參與組織心連大地攝影會。雖然自諳影藝粗疏,但想 到能透過相機介紹大地之風貌、吸引大眾關注和共鳴,實在非常有意義,所以欣然答 應,還望各位朋友支持及指正。


去年九月到法國巴黎旅遊,舊地重臨,仍然被這浪漫和迷人的城市深深吸引着。參觀 凡爾賽宮時,欣逢日本送來了一批以現代動畫為主題的美術品參展。作品分別擺放於 不同的展覽廰,與原來的古典油畫及彫刻等陳設品相映成趣,為瑰麗莊嚴的皇宮平添 活潑的色彩!

可能因為法國人對藝術包容、胸懷廣闊,既保留傳統文化、愛惜古典藝術,又不斷創 新求變、推動前衛藝術,所以在世界藝術領域中,執其牛耳,無可替代,實至名歸。 猶記當年貝聿銘先生在羅浮宮前設計玻璃金字塔時,亦遭人非議;但如今置身其間, 不是興趣盎然嗎?藝術愛好者,寧不再三反思呢?

George Wong


When I was a teenager, I bought a locally-made camera at Hong Kong Brands and Products Expo. It was cheap and worked well. Since then I have become very much interested in photography. In 1984 I started to learn photography from Mr Mak Chu Fat and benefited enormously from his expertise in this art. Moreover, I have made a lot of friends during that time. We are not only enthusiastic in photography, but are also very fond of travelling. Therefore, we often travel together to beautiful scenic places in the world to indulge in the enjoyment of taking pictures

Mr Jimmy Chan, Chairman of The Caring Hearts Photographic Society and a good friend of mine, asked me to join him and other friends in setting up the society. This would be a good opportunity to introduce the beauty of the land and people to the general public through our pictures in the hope of arousing their empathy and enthusiasm. Despite being an amateur in photography, I am more than willing to support this worthy cause, and I would be grateful for any advice and support.

<About the photographs>

Last September I travelled to Paris, France where I have visited before. This romantic and charming city still enchanted me. I paid a visit to Chateau de Versailles and was happy to have the chance to see some Japanese art works of contemporary animation there on display. The works were displayed in different rooms, juxtaposing with the existing classical paintings and sculptures. How much the works have enlivened the solemn atmosphere of the palace!

Hong Kong, a cosmopolitan city, is not just a concrete jungle. There are quite a number of parks in which we can see beautiful spatial designs with elements of the Chinese culture, history, literature and art.

French people are noted for their openness and tolerance in art. As much as they preserve their traditional culture and love their classical art, they are forever looking for innovative ideas and promoting contemporary art. Therefore, in world art today, France’s position as a leader is unsurpassed. I remember many years ago there was a public outcry against Mr I.M. Pei’s design of the glass-and-steel pyramid for the Louvre. Now when we visit the museum, aren’t we fascinated by this ingenious work of art? Shouldn’t all art lovers ponder on it again?

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