方向慧 . 展覽主席,心連大地攝影會|心連大地攝影會
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方向慧 . 展覽主席

方向慧 . 展覽主席

Michelle Fong

Exhibition Coordinator

七十年代末與攝影初次邂逅,投入了四年感情,全因在大學修讀視覺藝術,攝影是主 要科目。畢業後熱情減退,雖沒說分手,但相機已淪為紀錄工具。即使從事美術教育 工作,也沒有全面投入攝影創作。近年認識了熱衷攝影的朋友,亦參加了不少攝影旅 遊,才重新發現攝影的樂趣,既是愛火重燃,不妨重拾舊歡。

本來最鍾愛語言文字,卻投入視覺藝術懷抱,幸好藕斷絲連、從未放棄追求,現在從 事語言及翻譯工 作,閒來愛捕捉流光掠影,兩者皆予我莫大滿足感。


大自然的色彩變化萬千,是攝影創作的好題材,我以為最具魅力的,莫過於秋色。不 過,能夠在僅僅數天的旅途中,見證樹葉凋謝前的黃金時刻,且能得到天公造美,賜 予燦爛的陽光,這種機會着實是可遇不可求。我慶幸曾經在日本福島遇上了。

在那未受污染破壞的大自然環境裏,沉浸於繽紛的色彩世界中,無論晨曦、白晝或黃 昏,都悉力以鏡頭捕捉樹木、葉片在光影裏的丰姿。那燦爛的色彩 – 黃得耀目、橙 得熾熱、紅得絢麗,給尚未褪色的綠襯托着,令人陶醉。風也幫上一個忙,使畫面中 的葉子活潑跳脫如林中小精靈,靜止時則如凝神沉思的俏麗可人兒。


這套照片全以自然構圖,表現樹葉的色彩、肌理與姿態,無須經過人工修飾,便是我 的攝影創作理念。

Michelle Fong A.R.P.S

Exhibition Coordinator

My encounter with photography started in the late 70s and lasted four years with great devotion – all because it was one of the major subjects I studied for a visual arts degree. After graduation, my love for photography somewhat faded and my camera was then used often for keeping records only. Despite the fact that I was a teacher in art and design, I had not used the medium much for artistic expression. However, in recent years, I have made some friends who have abiding passion of photography, and I have gone on a few photographic trips. The joy of photography was then re-discovered – like a reunion of long-lost love.

Although I have studied and worked in the field of visual arts, language is actually my true love. With relentless pursuit of knowledge, I am finally able to do what I like most – language and translation. There is yet another thing that gives me the same satisfaction in life – pursuit of beauty through the camera.

<About the photographs>

The colours of nature are ever-changing, making good motifs in photography. To me, what is most attractive of all is the autumn colour. However, during his short trip, for anyone to be able to witness, in bright sunshine, the golden time of the leaves before withering, the chance is rare. I am grateful to have had one in Fukushima, Japan.

There, it is natural environment not being polluted nor damaged, and I was totally immersed in the world of colours. Whenever possible, be it dawn or dusk or during the day, I worked hard with my camera to capture the beautiful images of trees and leaves in light and shade. Supplemented by the green that was not yet faded, the bright colours – dazzling yellow, blazing orange and splendid red – made me feel as if I was intoxicated. The leaves, with the help of the breeze, were like elves in the forest jumping around in high spirit, but became charming ladies musing when the breeze was gone.

The compositions of this series of photographs, depicting the leaves’ colours, textures and movements, are original with no subsequent touch-up or modification, and such is what I like to do in photographic creation.

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