李麗 . 活動主席,心連大地攝影會|心連大地攝影會
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李麗 . 活動主席

李麗 . 活動主席

Li Li

Activities Coordinator

現職中央政府駐港聯絡辦社會工作部。三年前在張鐵夫先生的引導下走入攝影的 世界,一年前始有幸受教於陳俊濠先生,漸漸對攝影欲罷不能。

目前注重鍛練基本功,使用最簡單的入門相機,傾心於透過作品展現攝影對象內在的 意韻。始終認為攝影之技優於攝影之具、勤能補拙、一分辛苦一分才。尚未形成個人 風格,也未積累能成系列的作品。但結識心連大地攝影會眾友人後,對攝影與人生有 更多的理解與體悟,願與志同道合的友人一道,於有限世界創無盡可能。


藏民族風情文化是中華文化之奇葩。藏民族生活的地域遼闊,地貌多樣,景觀壯美; 藏民族的宗教、語言、服裝、風俗多元燦爛,蔚為大觀。我一直嚮往那片土地,那裏 的神秘多彩深深吸引著我這個異鄉人。去年8月到過西藏之後,我開始與那片土地和在 那裏生活的朋友結下不解之緣。我用鏡頭記錄了當時的心情與體悟,但願大家感受到 我收獲的每一分驚喜、觸懷與感動。

Li Li

Activities Coordinator

Presently I work at the Social Work Unit at the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government. Three years ago, under Mr Zhang Tiefu’s guidance, I entered the miraculous world of photography. Not until last year have I started to receive some training in photography from Mr Jimmy Chan. As a result, I become increasingly enthusiastic in this art.

My present focus is on mastering fundamental skills using a basic-model camera, and trying to express the essence and spirit of the object photographed. I always believe that photographic technique is more important than photographic instrument, and that stupidity can be remedied by diligence – the harder you work, the more harvest you can reap. It is still too early for a style of my own to be developed, and I do not have enough pictures to form any series of works yet. However, since meeting the friends of The Caring Hearts Photographic Society, I have had more inspirational thoughts in photography and our life, and I would like to join my friends in trying to go beyond the boundary of photography.

<About the photographs>

The ethnic Tibetan is one of the minorities in China famous for their fabulous customs. They live in a vast area with amazingly different geological features and spectacular landscapes. Their religion, language, costumes and customs are rich and diverse. These are all the special things that have attracted me, calling me to pay a visit. Ever since I traveled to Xizang last August, I have been feeling a strong affinity with the land and the people there. With the lenses I have recorded my feelings and thoughts, and hope that my pictures can convey to you those surprising, inspirational and touching moments that I experienced.

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